
820823_160559640760574_1405987998_oI am an Instructor in the Philosophy Department at Nassau Community College, State University of New York.

I received my PhD in Philosophy from The Graduate Center, City University of New York in June 2016. My dissertation explores how Neo-Darwinian evolutionary theory relates to issues in meatethics.

In addition to evolutionary ethics, my research interests also include bioethics and I have worked as an Ethics Fellow at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai since 2006. In 2007, I also worked as an Ethics Consultation Intern at the VA Hospital in NYC, in the National Center for Ethics in Healthcare.

Along with my work in philosophy and bioethics, I am also interested in using technology to improve pedagogy and worked as an Instructional Technology Fellow at Macaulay Honors College, CUNY on the Baruch campus from 2011-2013.

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